Used to retrieve workflows for a company
tenantId required | string <guid> Example: d025eedc-5ea0-4de8-be9f-f8873545add9 Id of the tenant to retrieve information for. The account requesting the data must have access to this tenant Id |
companyId required | string <guid> Example: 8d4bb975-eade-42fd-a064-bf448e493c1e Id of the company to retrieve workflows for. Must be a valid company within the tenant |
transactionType required | string Enum: "INV" "ORD" Example: ORD Transaction type for workflows |
x-api-version required | integer Value: 1 Example: 1 Indicates the version of this API to be used. |
x-api-compleat-key required | string <guid> Example: d025eedc-5ea0-4de8-be9f-f8873545add9 The header containing compleat api key. |
{- "Workflows": [
- {
- "Id": "21bf4239-eed7-4301-b5b5-0257e3cd751f",
- "ShortName": "W",
- "Name": "Workflow"
], - "MetaData": {
- "RequestUrl": "string",
- "Version": 1,
- "DateCreated": "2019-08-24"
Used to retrieve workflows for a company
tenantId required | string <guid> Example: d025eedc-5ea0-4de8-be9f-f8873545add9 Id of the tenant to retrieve information for. The account requesting the data must have access to this tenant Id |
companyId required | string <guid> Example: 8d4bb975-eade-42fd-a064-bf448e493c1e Id of the company to retrieve layouts for. Must be a valid company within the tenant |
x-api-version required | integer Value: 1 Example: 1 Indicates the version of this API to be used. |
x-api-compleat-key required | string <guid> Example: d025eedc-5ea0-4de8-be9f-f8873545add9 The header containing compleat api key. |
{- "Workflows": [
- {
- "Id": "21bf4239-eed7-4301-b5b5-0257e3cd751f",
- "ShortName": "W",
- "Name": "Workflow"
], - "MetaData": {
- "RequestUrl": "string",
- "Version": 1,
- "DateCreated": "2019-08-24"