Download OpenAPI specification:Download
APIs that allow you to to get, create and maintain delivery sites.
Used to retrieve all delivery sites within a given company.
tenantId required | string <guid> Example: d025eedc-5ea0-4de8-be9f-f8873545add9 Id of the tenant to retrieve information for. The account requesting the data must have access to this tenant Id. |
companyId required | string <guid> Example: 8d4bb975-eade-42fd-a064-bf448e493c1e Id of the company to retrieve delivery sites for. Must be a valid company within the tenant. |
pageNumber required | integer >= 1 Example: 1 Page number. The API call will return a page of data (page size is 100 records). |
x-api-version required | integer Value: 1 Example: 1 Indicates the version of this API to be used. |
x-api-compleat-key required | string <guid> Example: d025eedc-5ea0-4de8-be9f-f8873545add9 The header containing compleat api key. |
{- "DeliverySites": [
- {
- "Code": "NOR",
- "Name": "Norwich",
- "Address1": "14 Somewhere Avenue",
- "TownOrCity": "Norwich",
- "Postcode": "NR1 1AB",
- "Country": "United Kingdom"
}, - {
- "Code": "DON",
- "Name": "Doncaster",
- "Address1": "1 Doncaster Avenue"
}, - {
- "Code": "LON",
- "Name": "London",
- "Address1": "14 Central Street",
- "Address2": "Fulham",
- "TownOrCity": "London",
- "Postcode": "NE1 1A",
- "Telephone": "020 11223344",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "IsoCode": "GB"
], - "MetaData": {
- "Version": 1,
- "DateCreated": "2018-08-08T11:43:01.5753381Z"
Used to refresh the delivery sites in a company with a complete new set of values, or append values to a previous new post.
tenantId required | string <guid> Example: d025eedc-5ea0-4de8-be9f-f8873545add9 Id of the tenant to post delivery sites into. The account requesting the data must have access to this tenant Id. |
companyId required | string <guid> Example: 8d4bb975-eade-42fd-a064-bf448e493c1e Id of the company to post delivery sites into. Must be a valid company within the tenant. |
x-api-version required | integer Value: 1 Example: 1 Indicates the version of this API to be used. |
x-api-compleat-key required | string <guid> Example: d025eedc-5ea0-4de8-be9f-f8873545add9 The header containing compleat api key. |
required | Array of objects (DeliverySite) The list of delivery sites to post into the system |
ContinuationToken | string <guid> Optional continuation token. If provided and is recognised by iCompleat, codes are upserted into the delivery site list. If not provided or not recognised, then the list provided replaces any delivery sites for the company. |
This will wipe any delivery sites for the company, and apply the list provided as a fresh set
{- "DeliverySites": [
- {
- "Code": "NOR",
- "Name": "Norwich",
- "Address1": "14 Somewhere Avenue",
- "TownOrCity": "Norwich",
- "Postcode": "NR1 1AB",
- "Country": "United Kingdom"
}, - {
- "Code": "DON",
- "Name": "Doncaster",
- "Address1": "1 Doncaster Avenue"
}, - {
- "Code": "LON",
- "Name": "London",
- "Address1": "14 Central Street",
- "Address2": "Fulham",
- "TownOrCity": "London",
- "Postcode": "NE1 1A",
- "Telephone": "020 11223344",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "IsoCode": "GB"
{- "ContinuationToken": "25527ccb-d5fb-4b54-b4f0-738f99d06d17",
- "MetaData": {
- "Version": 1,
- "DateCreated": "2018-08-08T11:43:01.5753381Z"
Used to add a single delivery site to an existing company, or update a single delivery site. A code and name is provided. If the code exists, then it is updated with the new name. If the code does not exist, it is added.
tenantId required | string <guid> Example: d025eedc-5ea0-4de8-be9f-f8873545add9 Id of the tenant to post delivery sites into. The account requesting the data must have access to this tenant Id. |
companyId required | string <guid> Example: 8d4bb975-eade-42fd-a064-bf448e493c1e Id of the company to post delivery sites into. Must be a valid company within the tenant. |
x-api-version required | integer Value: 1 Example: 1 Indicates the version of this API to be used. |
x-api-compleat-key required | string <guid> Example: d025eedc-5ea0-4de8-be9f-f8873545add9 The header containing compleat api key. |
Code required | string <= 40 characters The code assigned to the delivery site record. |
Name required | string <= 200 characters The descriptive name of the delivery site. |
Address1 | string <= 200 characters Address line 1. |
Address2 | string <= 200 characters Address line 2. |
TownOrCity | string <= 200 characters Address town or city. |
CountyOrState | string <= 200 characters Address county or state. |
Postcode | string <= 10 characters Postcode / zip code. |
Country | string <= 200 characters Country name. |
IsoCode | string <= 2 characters 2-character country code. Recommend use of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes. |
string <= 200 characters Sites primary contact email address. | |
Telephone | string <= 200 characters Sites primary contact telephone number. |
WebsiteUrl | string <= 200 characters Sites website url. |
ContactName | string <= 200 characters Sites primary contact name. |
{- "Code": "NOR",
- "Name": "Norwich",
- "Address1": "14 Somewhere Avenue",
- "TownOrCity": "Norwich",
- "Postcode": "NR1 1AB",
- "Country": "United Kingdom"
{- "Result": "Delivery Site [C0] matched and updated.",
- "MetaData": {
- "Version": 1,
- "DateCreated": "2018-08-08T11:43:01.5753381Z"
Used to remove all delivery sites for a company.
tenantId required | string <guid> Example: d025eedc-5ea0-4de8-be9f-f8873545add9 Id of the tenant delivery sites relate to. The account requesting the data must have access to this tenant Id. |
companyId required | string <guid> Example: 8d4bb975-eade-42fd-a064-bf448e493c1e Id of the company to delete delivery sites for. Must be a valid company within the tenant. |
x-api-version required | integer Value: 1 Example: 1 Indicates the version of this API to be used. |
x-api-compleat-key required | string <guid> Example: d025eedc-5ea0-4de8-be9f-f8873545add9 The header containing compleat api key. |
{- "Result": "Delivery Sites have been deleted.",
- "MetaData": {
- "Version": 1,
- "DateCreated": "2018-08-08T11:43:01.5753381Z"
Used to remove a specific delivery site.
tenantId required | string <guid> Example: d025eedc-5ea0-4de8-be9f-f8873545add9 Id of the tenant to post delivery sites into. The account requesting the data must have access to this tenant Id. |
companyId required | string <guid> Example: 8d4bb975-eade-42fd-a064-bf448e493c1e Id of the company to post delivery sites into. Must be a valid company within the tenant. |
code required | string Example: NOR The code of the delivery site to delete. |
x-api-version required | integer Value: 1 Example: 1 Indicates the version of this API to be used. |
x-api-compleat-key required | string <guid> Example: d025eedc-5ea0-4de8-be9f-f8873545add9 The header containing compleat api key. |
{- "Result": "Delivery Site [NOR] has been deleted.",
- "MetaData": {
- "Version": 1,
- "DateCreated": "2018-08-08T11:43:01.5753381Z"